

Tax Implications of Personal Injury Settlements

If you are pursuing compensation in a personal injury claim, it’s natural to wonder about your tax liability. The good news is that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) typically considers settlements arising from physical injuries tax-exempt. Damages for non-physical injuries, such as emotional distress, humiliation, and defamation that result from physical injury,

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The Benefits of Mediation in Car Accident Cases

A serious car accident can result in significant physical harm, emotional trauma, and financial stress. What’s more, resolving disputes related to property damage, personal injuries, and insurance claims can be a lengthy and frustrating experience. Mediation has become an increasingly popular method of working through altercations after a car accident.

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Drone Accidents and Personal Injury Claims

In recent years, drones have become increasingly popular for various purposes, such as recreational use, photography, and even delivery services. Still, the potential dangers associated with their operation cannot be overlooked. With the rise in drone usage comes an increase in the risk of accidents and injuries caused by these

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Why Long-Term Recovery Matters in Personal Injury Cases

No matter how well you might feel in your first moments walking away from your car accident or slip-and-fall, your long-term prognosis could look quite different from what you expect. After all, how can your medical provider guarantee a specific outcome within a certain time frame? You could encounter unexpected

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